Apocalypse Europe
Storyboard: Apocalypse Europe (characters & locations)
Storyboard: European Touring Route (road scenes)
Apocalypse Europe is an immersive multiplayer VR game experience is a thrilling adventure through a post-apocalyptic world, with challenging levels, compelling characters, and a gripping storyline that will keep players engaged and entertained for hours on end.
Apocalypse Europe takes players on a thrilling quest to save the world from the control of the 1% trillionaires, oligarchs, resource exploiters, ultracapitalists and their dark multinational corporations. They have now bought up all of the food production rights, water rights, oil and mining rights, buildings and property in all cities worldwide, restricted internet and information access to their own networks, and control all of the cashflow and crypto transactions through their network of corrupt finance officials, apparatchiks, bureaucrats, militarised police, hitmen, assassins and black hat hackers on their payroll. They have also paid off or killed all politicians in every country that objected to their hostile takeovers and control of all the world’s main resources.
They have poisnoned water supplies and introduced a number of new plagues and pandemics as part of a global marketing campaign to sell the newly-developed drugs and remedies that only they can provide. They have introduced hyper-addictive drugs and synthetic substances causing mass-addictions on a never-before seen scale, with the goal of wiping out swathes of people they deem as weak due to their propensity for addiction. This beast doesn’t just have one dictator, but is in the form of a Hytra with many heads, control freaks, enablers and administrators.
Players take on the role of rebel motorcycle riders, traveling throughout Europe on their motorcycles in search of the plans for the forthcoming revolution. To complete their quest, players must visit every biker bar throughout Apocalypse Europe and make contact with the one rebel operative in each location that has infiltrated the remaining pockets of resistance in that region. But the Dark Corps has also installed informers, snitches, rats, betrayers, and other low-life bottom feeders into the same environments, making it difficult to identify the right person to make contact with, safely. Players must use their instincts and years of training to identify both the right person to expose the quest to, and be hyper-aware of the weak-willed informers that they have to avoid raising the suspicions of. These morally-devoid dograts will start lies and rumors for no reason at all, if just to give themselves some sense of existence or relevance.
The game is designed to be highly immersive, with stunning graphics and realistic sound effects that transport players into the post-apocalyptic world of Apocalypse Europe. Each level is designed to be challenging, with players facing tough obstacles and enemies at every turn. The game also features a variety of weapons and vehicles that players can use to fight their way through the levels, including motorcycles, guns, poisons, blades and explosives.
As players progress through the game, they uncover more information about the plans for the forthcoming revolution and the Dark Corps' nefarious plans for world domination. Also, a clearer picture emerges about how the resistance can undermine those plans and ultimately cause a chain reaction that can bring these dark movements to their knees, and within killing distance. The game also features a strong narrative, with compelling characters and a gripping storyline that keeps players engaged from start to finish.
Fighting your way through Apocalypse Europe, each rebel contact will pass you the piece of code and information that they are carrying, and tell you where to go and who to find in the next location, to retrieve the next part of the plan. This way, you never know where you're going next, or who you need to meet, or how many pieces of the plan are still to be located. The game is designed to keep players on their toes, with unexpected twists and turns at every step.
Once you have retrieved all fragments and components of the plan, your gang of rebel mercenaries must make your way through the burning apocalyptic nightmare that is now Europe, as far north as you can to the secure fortress carved into the cliffside on the Nordkapp peninsula in Finnmark, Northern Norway. One of the last remaining safe regions due to its advantageous position as a geographic extremity on the edge of the world. The journey is treacherous, with enemies and obstacles at every turn.
Once you have fought your way up to the secure facility, the remaining task is to gain access to the retro-ancient steampunk machinery which uses a combination of chemicals, light, blood and alchemy to power up the reactor core. All ingredients that you have located and acquired on your great quest to save the future of all life on this planet. Once you have retrieved the plans for the revolution, the real work can begin…..
Viva la Revolution!
Copyright ETR XR. Amtmannsnesveien 53, 9515 Alta, Norway
Effective from 01.03.23